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turbo .com

                                                           Oh no!!  It's changing again!

Click here to go to the waGoN Conversion pages

This site is about my 1982 Buick Regal Wagon , and it's conversion to become my waGoN.
Here is a picture of my wagon right after I bought it:
                                            New Aquisition

Ain't she a beauty?  Kinda makes ya' wonder why more of them are not out there, doesn't it?
Or, is it just me?

Well, I am not the only one out there with a turbo waGoN, and there are more to come.  I am currently in the possesion of another GM car that I am going to be converting(Ssssh, it's a secret).  The frustration and aggravation from the first one didn't do me in, so I decided to finish myself off with another one.  Actually, I enjoyed it, and since I did this one, I have been contacted by several others that have taken on the same task.  So now, we are all building them about the same time, but we are all at different stages. Below, you will find links to some of their sites.  So far there are 4 others, and boy are we spread out.  There is me.  I am located in Massachusetts.  The first one to contact me was Dean Plunk, from Texas, then there was Matt Weiser, he is from California.  Then Ron from Canada.  If that is not enough, I met Tim Witter at Bristol Tennessee last year, and he told me of his Malibu wagon.  He  is now contemplating changing his over to a Turbo drivetrain, and he is from Indiana(hope I got that right).   Here are links to some of their sites:

Matt's '83 Malibu

Matt's '83 Malibu

Dean's '83 Regal
Dean's '83 Regal

Tim's '80 Malibu
Tim's '80 Malibu

My '82 Regal

Ron in Canada is building a Regal like mine and Dean's, and my next project is a Malibu like Tim and Matt's cars.  When we have them all finished, although, they will all have one thing in common, they will all be very unique.  We all seem to be taking them in different directions.  



If you have any suggestions for making this a better online experience for you or others, just keep them to yourself.
Just kidding.  I'd appreciate the input.
There should be, or will be a link to email at the bottom of most of the pages for input.

